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Awarded Scholarships and Academic Rewards

1) Scholarship for a course of study under RCD (Regional Co-operation Development), Granted by Pakistan Government under a Cultural Exchange Program for studies in Urdu and comparison of it with Persian, University of Karachi, Pakistan, 1968-69
2) A Teaching Assistant Scholarship was awarded by the State University of Illinois to Teach Persian in an internship program and to study in M.A. Course in TESL, 1970-72
3) A Sabbatical year award to further his studies in applied linguistic and post-doctoral research at UCLA presented by TTU in 1977-78 for a full calendar year
4) A Travel-grant award was received from the Fulbright Commission to perform the intended research in the sabbatical year
5) A travel grant, for round trip, by Fulbright Commission to participate in the International TESOL Convention held in Mexico City, Mexico in the first week of April 1978 (other expenses were granted by TTU)
6) Participation in “the Summer Session of Applied Linguistics” held at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in summer 1978
7) A sabbatical grant for six months by Teacher Training University to implement the intended study at Warwick University, UK, from March to September 2006